Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Just an update

No, I have nothing profound to say at the moment; astonishing, isn't it? I'm just posting to draw your attention to the two new links on my sidebar. The first link will take you to a blog called "The Water Tiger Effect." The writing in this blog is very clever and insightful, even if the author does occasionally feel the need to rant (I know him personally, so any little digs that I get in are just a part of our usual witty dueling). The second link will take you to the main page for the Canisius Ambassadors for Conservation (CAC). I was part of the 2005 team and had the opportunity to study marine mammals along the coast of California.

The experiences that I had there will stay with me for the rest of my life, and they have helped to shape my goals for the future. The picture on the upper left is of the Point Reyes lighthouse, which sits near the tip of the westernmost point of land in the lower 48 states. On the right is one of the many species

of marine mammals that make use of the beaches along the Point Reyes National Seashore. They
are harbor seals, resting for a moment out of reach of the relentless surf. If you visit the CAC website you can learn more about who we are and what we do, and you can also see many astonishing pictures of the animals we studied.




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